Ebook sugiyono
Ebook sugiyono

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Effectivity, Think Pair Share, Learning Outcome Independence Of Learning, Parent's Attention, and Utilization Of Learning Resource, Mathematics Learning Outcomes. From the results of trial I and trial II, it was obtained: 1) Teaching materials based on the metacognition approach developed have met valid criteria from several criteria 2) Teaching materials based on the metacognition approach developed have met Practical criteria from several criteria 3) Teaching materials based on the metacognition approach developed have met the effective criteria of several criteria 4) there is an increase in the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts by using instructional materials based on the metacognition approach developed, in the trial I obtained an average score of pretest 54.66% and posttest score 73.86%, and in the second trial with an average pretest score of 57.87% and posttest score of 78.4%.Keywords Activities, Classroom Action Research, Teams Games Tournament Development of student activity sheet, Contextual approach, Linear equation system material of two variables Effectiveness, Mathematics Learning Outcomes, Cooperative Learning Model Type of NHT. This research is a development research using a 4-D development model, the teaching materials developed from this study are: Learning Implementation Plans, Teacher Books, Student Books, Student Worksheets, And Tests Ability To Understand Mathematical Concepts. This study aims to: 1) Develop teaching materials based on a valid metacognition approach to improve students' understanding of mathematical concepts 2) Developing teaching materials based on a practical metacognition approach to improve the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts 3) Develop teaching materials based on an effective metacognition approach 4) To analyze the increased ability to understand students' mathematical concepts by using teaching materials based on metacognition approaches.

Ebook sugiyono